SWSA Rules of Play (adopted February 24, 2020)

SWSA follows FIFA rules for soccer, except where noted. 

1 - Leagues 

  1. It is the intent of SWSA to provide soccer leagues with an emphasis on fair-play and a safe environment in which to play.
  2. SWSA runs leagues in multiple age divisions.  
  3. Leagues will commence provided four (4) or more teams are registered. 
  4. A player may play in multiple SWSA leagues. 

2 - Divisions 

In the interest of providing fair and equitable game scheduling, SWSA may divide any league into divisions of approximately equal size. These divisions will each contain four (4) or more teams. Determination of divisions is based upon reported and observed level of play. 

3 - Teams

  1. There are no limits on roster size.
  2. In co-ed leagues, teams may field no more than six (6) players of any gender on the field at any one time. This rule may be modified with the consent of both captains and the officiating referee. 
  3.  Teams must be compliant with the following rules in order to participate in a SWSA league: 
    1.  Each team must pay the team league fee as set by the SWSA Board by the designated deadline. Teams who do not meet the deadline, risk their eligibility to compete in a league for that season. Failure to pay the registration fee in a timely manner will result in fines being added to the team’s total, and may impact their ability to register in further seasons. 
    2. Each team is required to have like-colored uniforms, and to provide its uniform color with registration before league play starts. 
    3. Each team will be required to have a quality FIFA approved ball, acceptable to the referee, as well as corner flags or cones.
    4. Each team must have their players rostered with league software before that player’s first game with the team. Once added to a roster, they cannot join another until the end of the season. 
  4. Guest players who are not on a playing team’s roster can only play with the consent of both captains. For rescheduled games, then this rule can be waived. 
  5. SWSA will make every reasonable effort to fit in all teams that wish to play in a given season, but in the event that there is not enough space for every interested team, the SWSA board will determine which teams cannot be included. Criteria may include but not be limited to promptness of payment for previous seasons, consistent sportsmanship, attendance and participation in meetings, and longevity within the league. 

4 - Players

  1. To participate in a SWSA game, a player must comply with the following rules: 
    1. Each player must carry a valid WSASA players card, which they must present to the referee before they begin playing.  
    2. All players must wear shin guards. Failure to wear shin guards will result in being sent off to put shin guards on, as well as a blue card, where the offending player is sent off of the field for five minutes, or until the referee decides to let them back on.  
    3. Watches, dangling or dangerous jewelry or fitness trackers are not allowed for player safety. 
  2. Players must be of the appropriate age for the league in which they’re playing, as specified here: 
    1. Open League  
      1. Open league players must be eighteen (18) years of age in order to play.  
      2. The exception is that players sixteen (16) and seventeen (17) years old may play, provided they are of age prior to their first game, and have a signed waiver form with parent/guardian consent.  
    2. Over 30 League 
      1. Players must be thirty (30) years of age before the end of the calendar year in which they are playing. 
      2. Each team in the Over 30 league may have two female players who will be twenty eight (28) before the end of the calendar year in which they are playing. 
    3. Over 40 League 
      1. Players must be forty (40) years of age on or before the end of the calendar year in which they are playing. 
      2. Each team in the Over 40 league may have two female players who will be thirty five (35) before the end of the calendar year in which they are playing. 
  3. SWSA reserves the right to refuse any player from participation if that player has been expelled from an association or league outside of SWSA. 
  4. Players may only be on the roster of one (1) team per division. 

5 - Games 

  1. A game is properly constituted when two teams of at least seven (7) players each meet at the scheduled field at the scheduled time with an approved referee. 
  2. In the event of no referee showing up for a game, either of the following may occur: 
    1. A substitute referee from an approved association may be used, if available. 
    2. Games should be played if both teams agree to play the game without a referee. If a game is not played because there is not a referee, the league cannot guarantee a reschedule or full-game refund. In the event the game is not rescheduled, it will go down as a 0-0 tie. After the game, the referee’s absence must be reported to the SWSA Board via the Captain’s Game Report at swsasoccer.com in order to be refunded for the missing ref. If a substitute referee was used, please indicate their identity on the Captain’s Game Report.  
  3. Games are 90 minutes long, although SWSA reserves the right to adjust game times as necessary. 
  4. Grace Period: A team shall be given fifteen (15) minutes past the scheduled game time to field a team of at least seven (7) eligible team members. The game clock will begin at the scheduled time, and play will begin as soon as seven members from each team are on the field and ready to play. 
  5. Rescheduled Games — in the event that a game is forced to be moved, a new time and/or location will be made at the discretion of the SWSA board, based on field availability and team input. SWSA will do their utmost to reschedule games, but in the event that that cannot be, a refund will be issued. Games may be rescheduled for a number of reasons: 
    1. Team Request. Teams may request a reschedule by sending a request to SWSA at least seven (7) days prior to the scheduled game. SWSA will contact the opposing team representative. It is the right of the opposing team to allow or disallow the rescheduling. Before any game is rescheduled, the new game date, time, and place must be agreed to by all parties. Rescheduled games may be cancelled if a suitable time cannot be found. 
    2. Inclement Weather. Notice of game cancellations due to inclement weather will be sent out by 5:00 pm the day of the game.  
    3. Unplayable Field. It is at the discretion of the referee to determine if a field is safe to play upon. FIFA guidelines will be used. 
  6. No-shows. A team acquiring two (2) no-shows in a single season may be brought to the attention of the SWSA board for appropriate action. A no-show is defined as having less than a properly constituted team. To avoid a no-show, teams may attempt to reschedule games, or may attempt to fill missing spots in their roster with other SWSA players, with the permission of the opposing team captain. 
    1. A scheduled game where one of the teams does not show, will be recorded as a 1-0 win for the team present. 
    2. A scheduled game where neither of the teams show will be recorded as a double forfeit, a loss for both teams. No points will be awarded to either team. 
  7. Conflicting Uniform Colors. When two teams show up for a game in the same or very similar colors the home team has the responsibility to change. (The home team is listed first on the schedule.) 
  8. Home teams are required to provide a game ball and corner flags or markers. 
  9. Game Reports: After every game, each team captain or designated player is required to fill out a game report at www.SWSAsoccer.com within 72 hours of the game. Any game reports sent after 72 hours will not be accepted. Reports are collected by the SWSA board for use in settling disputes, issuing refunds, and dealing with sporting issues related to SWSA games and activities. Game reports must include the teams playing, the score, the time and date of the game, referee information, and any issues with the field, officials, or teams.  

6 - Referees 

  1. Referees must be members of a referee affiliate association. 
  2. Referees who officiate at any SWSA game are to be guided by FIFA rules and interpretations except as amended in these Rules of Play.  
  3. Referees will collect all player cards at the beginning of the game, and return them upon the game’s conclusion. 

7 - Rules of the Game 

  1. All SWSA players shall abide by those rules established by the FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE DE FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION (FIFA) except as modified by these Rules of Play: 
    1. Slide tackles are not allowed in Co-Ed leagues. Players will be given a yellow card for slide tackles. Slide tackles are defined as a player sliding for the ball in a manner in which the referee determines could potentially be a danger to other players.  
    2. SWSA is a sub-on-the-fly league, which means that players may substitute out of or into a game at will, without having to alert the referee or wait for a stoppage of play.  
      1. If play is occurring during substitution, then players must enter and exit at the same place on the field. 
      2. If a player has shown up late for a match, they may only enter the field for the first time at a natural stoppage of play, in order to provide the referee with their WSASA card. 
      3. Sub-on-the-fly may be suspended at the onset of a game with the agreement of both teams and the referee. 

8 - Penalties and Violations 

  1. Policies for misconduct, fines and suspensions. 
    1. Any SWSA member who accumulates two (2) straight red cards during a scheduled league season shall be barred from further participation in any division for the remainder of the season. 
    2. Any SWSA member given a yellow card will have that card recorded, and when a SWSA member has recorded three (3) yellow cards within a division, he/she will be assessed the equivalent of a red card, and miss the next game. Furthermore, the accumulation of yellow cards may be brought to the attention of the Judicial Board for further attention if warranted. 
    3. In the event of a meeting by the Judicial Committee, players will be notified in advance so that they may provide a statement. 
    4. Players will be notified promptly of Judicial Committee decisions and allowed a period of 24 hours to appeal the judgment in writing. 
    5. Players may be barred from further participation in SWSA for longer lengths of time by action of the Judicial Committee.  
  2. Red Cards. Red card suspensions will be served in the following ways. 
    1. Red Card from yellow card accumulation. A red resulting from two yellows will result in a player missing their next division game, though they remain eligible to play in other SWSA divisions (for example, a player given two yellow cards in an Open game will remain eligible to play in Over 30 or Over 40 games that occur during their suspension). 
    2. Straight red card. A straight red card will result in that player being suspended from all SWSA games until after the next scheduled game for the team on which the player was playing when the red card was issued. Players may not play in any SWSA sanctioned event until the suspension is lifted (for example, a player given a straight red card in an Open game will be ineligible to play in Over 30 or Over 40, until after the Open game in which their suspension is served). Furthermore, in the event of a straight red card, the referee will hold onto the offending player’s player card, and return it to a board member. 
    3. Straight red cards for serious foul play, dangerous play, abuse, or fighting can result in an investigation and decision by the SWSA Judicial Committee regarding a level of lengthier suspension or punishment where appropriate. 
  3. Physical Assault. Any physical assault by a SWSA player or coach against a player, referee, or assistant referee will be reported to the SWSA Board. The player in question may be immediately suspended from further participation in SWSA-sanctioned events, regardless of an appeal, until a decision is handed down by the SWSA Judicial Board. 
  4. Verbal Assault. Verbal assault, threats, harassment, sexual harassment, etc. of other players, on the field or on an online SWSA forum, may result in suspension from the league. 
  5. Any game abandoned by the referee for just cause due to poor behavior of any player may result in further punishments for the teams and players involved, including suspensions, possible fines, and being prohibited from playing in further seasons for the players and teams involved. 
  6. In Over 30 and Over 40 games, any team playing with underage players will automatically forfeit that game. The scores will be subsequently reported as 1-0 losses. 
  7. Any behavior of players, teams, or spectators that may be detrimental to SWSA as an organization, the integrity of the game, or the safety of the community shall be brought to the attention of the SWSA Board. Consistent problematic behaviour may result in punishments for the teams and players involved, including suspensions, possible fines, and being prohibited from playing in further seasons for the players and teams involved.  
  8. Alcohol, smoking, and drug use are prohibited on all fields that SWSA plays at, and usage will result in teams being removed from the league without a refund. 

9 - Grievance Procedure 

  1. Player protests (underage players, unrostered players playing without permission, etc.) should be made at the game by notifying the referee, and should also be noted within the Captain’s Game Report made at www.SWSAsoccer.com. 
  2. Poor Sportsmanship Complaints may be brought against individual players that, despite a lack of scrutiny by referees, still demonstrate consistent levels of poor sportsmanship or overly aggressive play. If a single player has three (3) or more incident reports filed by players on two (2) or more teams, a SWSA Judiciary Committee may be formed to evaluate the problem and determine if player sanctions are necessary. 
  3. Any other grievance not covered in these rules shall be filed with the SWSA Board.